Sitecore Experience Commerce: Configuring Debug Logging

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In this article, we will look into the steps necessary in order to reduce the log level to Debug in the Retail Demo for Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1.

In LoggingExtentions.cs, the MinimumLevel is set to Information, therefore regardless what the Logging.LogLevel.Default and Serilog.MinimumLevel configurations in config.json are set to Debug log requests will not be logged.

var loggingConfig = new LoggerConfiguration()
		.Enrich.With(new ScLogEnricher())

By updating this line to MinimumLevel.Debug() , we are now able to drop the log level configurations to Debug and see the output in the log file.

"Logging": {
	"LogLevel": {
		"Default": "Debug"
"Serilog": {
	"MinimumLevel": "Debug"
1 14:01:53 INFO Registering Pipeline Block 'Project.Commerce.Engine.Pipelines.Blocks.ValidateSitecoreConnectionBlock'
3 14:01:53 DEBUG [PipelineStarted]
3 14:01:53 DEBUG Block execution started for '"pipelines:blocks:StartNodeBlock"'
15 14:01:53 INFO [NodeStartup] ContactId='Deployment01_a1adc4875f9a4ef6b9513d9379373d2c',Environment='GlobalEnvironment'
15 14:01:53 DEBUG Block execution completed for '"pipelines:blocks:StartNodeBlock"'
15 14:01:53 DEBUG Block execution started for '"pipelines:blocks:StartNodeLogConfigurationBlock"'
15 14:01:56 WARN Performance Counter Category 'SitecoreCommerceCommands-1.0.2' not found
15 14:01:56 WARN Performance Counter Category 'SitecoreCommerceMetrics-1.0.2' not found
15 14:01:56 DEBUG Block execution completed for '"pipelines:blocks:StartNodeLogConfigurationBlock"'
15 14:01:56 DEBUG [PipelineCompleted]

Note: It is not recommended that Debug log levels and set in the production environment and when using Debug log levels in any environment, it is recommended to only utilise this log level for the smallest window necessary to avoid excessive logging as this will eat away at the storage space quite quickly.

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